March 6, 2025

Greeting Second Baptist Family,
Weekly Pastor’s Notes

If you have any special announcements and/or notices (birthdays, anniversaries, special acknowledgements) please have them in to Sis. Cleo by Wednesday Night at 5:00pm (New Time).  All information can be emailed to Sis. Cleo @

I want to encourage ALL members in our Pursuit of Greater in 2025 to bring a Pen & Notebook to our weekly worship experience and take notes of every sermon so that you may study after service is over. We want Greater understanding and application of His Word in our lives.

Electronic Giving is now available for all visitors and viewers in our virtual space.  Please visit our website at and follow the link for online giving.  This is an “additional” method of giving members are still encouraged to bring you tithes and offerings in person of mail them as before.

The Missionaries continue to collect toiletries, slightly used and clean coats and clothing to aid victims of recent disasters.  Items can be left in the box or on the table in the lower fellowship hall of the church.

Keep in prayer all of those in the hospital, nursing homes or in their homes during recovery.

Continue to pray for all families going through a season of bereavement and we invite anyone dealing with the passing of a loved one to join us every 3rd Thursday of each month for our Grief2Life Ministry on our direct dial conference call number (667) 776-9070 at 12:30pm.  

  • Continue to pray for Rev. Sumiel and family in the passing of his cousins Reginald Johnson and Bro. Cecil Parsley who passed on Tuesday.

Bible Study will resume next Wednesday January 8th and all are invited to attend at on our direct dial conference call number (667) 776-9070 at 6:00pm which is immediately followed by our Sweet Hour of Prayer at 7:00pm on the same line. 

Congratulations to Trent Robinson (Sis. Iesha’s grandson) who made the honor role in school.

Beginning February 2025 All birthdays will be recognized on the 1st Sunday of each month.  All members are requested to email your birthday to Sis. Cleo by the fourth Sunday of the preceding month to be a part of that month’s birthday recognition.  Please Do Not Tell her verbally but email her at to advise of your birthday in the upcoming month.

March 2nd – Jozei & Sis. Pat Hullex – Happy 12th Anniversary

  • 1st – Steve Powell
  • 8th – Nadine Ransome
  • 10th – Darryl Ransome
  • 12th – Tanaya White
  • 13th – Alexis Drew-Orme
  • 14th – Carlis Pierce
  • 15th – Laura Ashlock
  • 15th – Valerie Gibson
  • 16th – Adaja Henerson
  • 19th – Demetrius Cunningham
  • 23rd – Kameka Hill
  • 25th – Eleanor Washington

Weekly Pastor’s Notes

SBC – Online Giving